There might be an issue with your dog’s or cat’s joints if they regularly favor one leg over the other or irregularly. A fractured bone or torn ligament in your dog might be indicated by sudden limping, difficulty standing up, slower than normal movement, discomfort, swelling, or the look of the limb itself. Many of these issues, however, may be resolved by surgery.
Broken bones in pets are prevalent due to trauma like leaping from a cliff or being hit by a car. Aggressive bone tumors that attack the bone from the inside are also frequent.
When orthopedic surgery is required to treat a fracture, torn ligament, muscle, ruptured joint, or other fractured bone, the ailment is too complicated to heal spontaneously. Broken bones and complex orthopedic issues, in many circumstances, may need a large amount of support to maintain good alignment and achieve long-term success. Orthopedic surgery can help a dog or cat regain use of a limb or other body part that they wouldn’t be able to use otherwise.
Bone Fractures in Pets
Not all fractures are the same. A dog or cat might suffer from various fractured bones and fractures, and the sort of surgery required to treat them is diverse. Bones are generally calcium-rich, making them strong and durable but also breakable.
Hairline Fractures
The most basic sort of bone fracture is a hairline fracture. Hairline fractures develop when the bone is still whole, and little cracks run along the center of long bones like the thigh bone. In dogs, hairline fractures are readily managed and seldom result in bone misalignment or displacement.
It’s similar to a little fracture going up the center of a piece of wood. The board’s structural integrity to bear weight has been damaged and will continue to deviate, even if the board itself is still intact. You can visit an emergency vet clinic for any urgent care your pet might need.
Multiple-Piece or Comminuted Fractures
More vigorous blows can occasionally break the bone into many fragments. These fractures are far more challenging to treat and require surgical intervention. Comminuted fractures are linked to high-energy trauma, such as being struck by a car or shot by a pistol.
Fragmenting bone necessitates excellent power and energy, impacting the surrounding soft tissues. Many comminuted fractures are often referred to as open fractures, in which a fragment of broken bone pierces the skin and causes contamination or infection.
Joint Fractures
When a dog breaks a joint, the damage is significantly worse. Common fractures can lead to arthritis even after the bone has healed because of joints’ massive role in mobility.
Lameness, discomfort, and joint swelling are all symptoms of common fractures. If the damage affects an open growth plate, it might result in angular limb abnormalities. Joint fracture therapy aims to retain joint congruency and joint and limb functioning through stable anatomic reconstruction. Visit a veterinary website like for more details.
Compound Fractures
“Open” or “complex” fractures are those in which the bone is exposed outside the dog’s skin. Sharp shards of bone can puncture surrounding tissues, causing injury to tendons, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in severe fractures.
Furthermore, if a bone is left outside the dog’s body, it is more likely to become unclean and infected. This can develop into serious infections that might be life-threatening and need immediate medical attention. Look up “Pet wellness plans near me” for the best results.