The importance of life can’t be overstated. We find new ways to help us to improve and extend life quality. Pets not only enhance the quality of our lives by offering us companionship and love that is not conditioned; however, they also play a vital part in maintaining our health.
Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe From Injuries
Accidents are a tragic reality that comes with life, but they’re inevitable. There isn’t a way to avoid these injuries completely – they are caused by accidents – there are other things you can do to reduce the chance that these injuries will afflict your dog. Here’s a comprehensive list of some of the most serious injuries at Santa Barbara Pet Hospital that canines sustain and some preventative actions you can take.
Hit by a Car
It’s difficult to determine the number of dogs struck by vehicles each year; however, it’s likely to be hundreds of thousands. The dogs that survive may have damage to the bone, internal bleeding, and soft tissue injuries. The most frequent injuries are to the neck and spine. Keep your dog from streets and driveway traffic to avoid collisions with vehicles. A leash or a gated yard can be used. Develop these significant behaviors or reinforce them with a regular dog training session. A dog that is trained and reacts when you say “come” and “heel” will be less likely to run into the road and be hit.
Car Crash
Everyone loves traveling with their pets on planes, vehicles, bicycles, and golf carts. Accidents in the car can cause injuries to pets. Even at low speeds, the impact can be extremely brutal for the pet and anyone else. The dog is a weapon that can cause harm to itself and the other passengers. When you drive with your pet, make sure that they’re securely confined to a harness, a carrier, or a box. Do not ride your pet on your lap or in a shotgun seat, as airbags could harm or even kill them.
Fall From Heights
Since dogs aren’t as agile as cats, accidents are quite common. Falls can result in sprains, brain injuries, fractured bones, soft tissue injuries, etc. Small dogs can be injured when they jump off the bed or couch. Install a gate for babies for your pet if he cannot use the stairs due to injury or age. Be sure that elevated decks and porches don’t slide across the fence. Small dogs can climb over beds and sofas using a ramp or steps.
Cruciate Ligament Injury
CCL, similar to the ACL in humans, helps stabilize the knee of dogs. A ruptured CCL is a common dog injury that may cause lameness and discomfort. Treatment and rest may be able to heal the problem, but surgery is usually the only option for a long-term solution. CCL injuries are common in larger dogs such as labradors, golden retriever breeds, german shepherd dogs, and overweight dogs. So, make sure your dog’s weight is in check by exercising and eating well. For more information,you may visit
Veterinarian Visits
These kinds of injuries and accidents mentioned above require a visit to the vet, perhaps even an emergency vet. Although your pet might not be showing signs, your pet might be suffering from pain because dogs are built to conceal their pain. In the case of the health of your most beloved family members, it’s best to be cautious rather than regret it. You may also consider a veterinary internal medicine for other related problems.