Dogs who contact fungi or are diagnosed with a fungal disease may become gravely ill. Valley Fever is a disease caused by a particular species of fungus. Coccidioides immitis is the causal fungus; hence, Valley Fever is often referred to as coccidioidomycosis. The fungus is a soil-dwelling microorganism that thrives in arid, hot environments. This fungus grows in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, and California. Moreover, it is prevalent in Mexico and South and Central America. The condition is more prevalent in the summer and late fall.
How does your dog catch valley fever?
Dogs develop Valley Fever only in their lungs, and it cannot be transmitted to humans or other dogs. Only the inhalation of fungal spores can cause Valley Fever; coughing cannot spread the infection. Valley Fever is a fungal infection of the lungs that affects dogs. This is commonly observed in numerous desert-like regions across North America.
Due to the abundance of the fungus that causes valley fever in desert conditions, residents of such areas must be particularly watchful for its symptoms. This disease can develop in two separate forms, each of which manifests differently:
Primary Valley Fever
Primary valley fever often presents three weeks after initial exposure to the fungus, most notably as a persistent cough. This is followed immediately by a fever and an overall decline in mood. You may notice that your dog has stopped eating or has become abruptly listless or uninterested. Visit this link if you suspect your dog has primary valley fever.
Disseminated Valley Fever
Significantly more severe is disseminated valley fever. This is due to the progression of the disease throughout your dog’s body, most commonly to the bones and joints. Valley Fever causes increasing distress as it advances. Under extreme conditions, a dog may lose the use of its legs. Untreated, it can spread to your dog’s nervous system, sometimes fatal. As soon as you see any indicators of odd behavior or suffering, if you have not already done so, contact an emergency veterinarian or go to the closest emergency pet hospitals Tucson has available.
Both types of valley fever are harmful to your dog’s health; contact your veterinarian immediately if you observe any signs.
The standard treatment for Valley Fever differs depending on the severity of the condition. After obtaining blood samples and maybe x-rays to diagnose your pet, your veterinarian will establish the proper treatment and care duration. Depending on how far the condition has progressed, Valley Fever is almost usually treated with antifungal medication, and its duration can range from six months to a lifetime. The earlier this disease is recognized, the shorter its therapy is. Visit this website to learn more on valley fever treatments.
To Sum It Up
Always keep in mind that your dog requires continuous attention and affection. Always be on the watch for signs of pet crises, such as Valley Fever, to safeguard the health and happiness of your dog. Two annual veterinary examinations are recommended, and you should also be aware of a local animal hospital and emergency veterinarian. To be prepared for circumstances such as canine Valley Fever, have an open line of communication with your veterinarian regarding potential dangers and symptoms to watch out for. Our relationship with our canine companions is unique, and we must love and protect them.