Pet Health

Diagnostic Tests Included in Pet Wellness Examinations

The term “pet wellness exam” refers to a routine examination performed on an animal even when your pet seems healthy. The term “wellness exam” can also apply to a physical exam or a checkup. Wellness examinations are performed to guarantee that pets continue to enjoy optimal health.

Checkups for puppies and other young animals should be done monthly. The average adult pet should see a veterinarian yearly for a checkup. Exams for senior-aged pets should be arranged every six months. Get advice from your vet on how often to schedule wellness checkups if your pet has a specific ailment.

Tests Done on Pet Wellness Exams

Even seemingly healthy pets may be harboring hidden illnesses due to their remarkable capacity for deception. If a pet’s health problem is identified before it shows any symptoms, it can usually be treated or managed to prevent any long-term effects. Exams to ensure a pet’s health typically include the following.

1. Complete Blood Count

Using this procedure, we may learn about the many blood cell types. Blood cells serve many functions, including transporting oxygen to cells, fighting infection and inflammation, and assisting with clotting blood. A complete blood count (CBC) can tell you if you have any abnormal cells and their quantity, size, and form. It’s a standard diagnostic tool that can reveal a wide range of diseases.

2. Biochemistry Profile

This battery of diagnostics can aid in diagnosing diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and other conditions by providing information on the body’s organs and tissues. Your veterinarian may recommend repeating the biochemistry profile in a few days, weeks, or months if it reveals only subtle deviations from normal. An extended biochemistry profile and imaging tests like radiographs (X-rays) or ultrasounds may be recommended if the abnormalities are more severe.

3. Urinalysis

A simple urinalysis can report a pet’s urine’s physical and chemical characteristics. The urinalysis results can be used to gauge the health of the kidneys, detect urinary tract infections, and rule out inflammation. Additionally, it can aid in identifying cancer of the urinary tract and detecting diabetes. Regular wellness testing done at a Charlotte vet should include a urinalysis to get a complete picture of how healthy your kidneys and urinary system are.

4. Thyroid Testing

The thyroid gland is essentially the body’s thermostat, regulating metabolic rate. A disease wherein the thyroid gland does not generate enough thyroid hormone, or Hypothyroidism, is dogs’ most frequent thyroid condition. Doing routine hormone testing on middle-aged and senior dogs is essential. Hypothyroidism is a condition that can affect dogs of any age, so it’s vital to check for it if a dog suddenly gains weight, is lethargic, has frequent skin or ear infections, or loses hair from its body and tail.

5. Fecalysis

Fecal testing is recommended at least twice yearly for most pets. The primary goal is to detect gastrointestinal parasites such as hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and roundworms. These organisms thrive in your pet’s digestive tract and can make life miserable for you and your companion. The worms or their eggs can be transported in small numbers through your pet’s feces, making them simple to identify under a microscope.

Aside from pet wellness examinations, you can also avail of boarding services from trusted veterinary hospitals, like Sharon Lakes Animal Hospital, to ensure your pet’s safety and security when you are away.

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