
Orthopedic Surgery for Pets: Putting the ‘Pep’ Back in Their Step

Our pets are like family members, and seeing them in pain or struggling with mobility is disheartening. Thankfully, veterinary medicine has made significant advancements, allowing us to address these issues more effectively. 

This article explores how orthopedic surgery can restore your pet’s mobility and quality of life.

What is Orthopedic Surgery?

Orthopedic surgery focuses on repairing and reconstructing bones, joints, and surrounding soft tissues. It encompasses various procedures designed to treat congenital and acquired musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and diseases in pets. Orthopedic surgery for pets is revolutionizing veterinary care, offering groundbreaking solutions to address a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. 

The Role of a Veterinary Surgeon in Orthopedic Procedures

To ensure the best care for your pet, working with an experienced professional like a veterinary surgeon near Franklin is essential. These specialists receive advanced training in the latest surgical techniques, enabling them to diagnose and treat a wide range of orthopedic issues accurately.

Common Orthopedic Surgery Procedures for Pets

Some of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed on pets include:

  1. Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO): Addresses hip dysplasia or severe arthritis by removing the head and neck from the femur, reducing pain.
  2. Cruciate Ligament Repair: Fixes torn ligaments in the knee.
  3. Leg Amputation: Removes limbs affected by severe trauma or illness.
  4. Bone Fracture Repair: Mends broken bones resulting from trauma or disease.
  5. Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL): Corrects kneecap dislocation joint in dogs.

Minimally Invasive Techniques

Nobody wants to see their furry companion in pain or endure lengthy recovery periods. That’s where minimally invasive techniques come into play. Orthopedic surgeons now employ advanced surgical methods that minimize incision sizes, reduce tissue trauma, and expedite healing. These techniques ensure a quicker recovery for your pet and minimize post-operative discomfort, allowing them to return to their paws in no time.

Pet Wellness and Post-Surgery Care

After surgery, proper care is critical to your pet’s recovery. A tailored recovery plan from a clinic at can ensure your pet gets the appropriate nutrition, exercise, and medication needed.

Post-operative care may involve:

  • Prescription medications for pain or inflammation
  • Restricted movement and modified exercise routines
  • Monitoring wound healing and suture removal
  • Follow-up appointments with the veterinarian

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations and Parasite Prevention

When your pet undergoes orthopedic surgery, its immune system will be in recovery mode, which makes it even more important to stay up to speed with their regular vaccinations. Visiting a pet vaccinations clinic and ensuring their up-to-date parasite prevention treatments can protect them from further health issues during this critical time.

The Road to Recovery

Orthopedic surgery can significantly impact your pet’s quality of life. While the recovery process may take time and patience, the results are well worth it. Be prepared for your pet to gradually regain mobility and progressively regain that “pep” in their step.


Orthopedic surgery offers new hope for pets suffering from various musculoskeletal issues. Working with an experienced veterinary surgeon and following post-operative care guidelines can help your beloved pet live a happier, pain-free life.

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