
What Health Conditions Will Prevent You From Getting a Visa to Canada?

According to the latest statistics, Canada has more than 8 million immigrants with permanent residence. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people go to Canada as tourists, students, or workers.

However, not everyone is eligible to enter the country. There are a number of health conditions that can prevent you from getting a visa to the country. Some of these include:

1. Active Tuberculosis (TB)

TB is a serious and highly contagious infection that can be fatal if left untreated. You will not be allowed to enter Canada if you have active TB. However, having latent TB (inactive infection) is allowed usually entry.

If you have latent TB, your doctor may ask you to take a chest x-ray and provide other medical information to the immigration officer. You may also be required to take a TB test upon arrival in Canada.

Note that a panel-approved physician, such as GTA Immigration Medical (see website), should perform your medical test. You can check the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website for a list of panel physicians.


The Canadian government doesn’t totally ban people with HIV/AIDS from entering the country. Even if you have this disease, you may be allowed entry if:

  • You will only live in the country for less than six months.
  • You disclose your condition and seek entry for treatment that isn’t available in your home country.
  • You have a letter from your health care professional or doctor that says you’re in good health and don’t pose risks to others.
  • You are a refugee or protected person and meet the other entry requirements.
  • You have private health insurance throughout your stay.
  • You are the spouse, common-law partner, dependent child, or parent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and you meet the other requirements for entry.
  • You understand that you must comply with all the conditions of your stay, such as not working or studying without proper authorization.

3. Active Syphilis

This is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. If you have this condition, you will not be allowed to enter the country. But if you have an inactive infection, you may still qualify for a visa. 

During your medical exam, your panel-approved physician will ask for your medical history and likely do some tests to check for this disease. Whether it is a PR medical exam in Canada or you’re applying for a visitor visa, student visa, work visa, or refugee status, you will need to get treated before you’re allowed entry.

4. Sexual Disorders

If you have a sexual disorder considered a danger to public safety, you will not be allowed to enter Canada. This includes pedophilia and exhibitionism. However, people with these disorders who have undergone or are undergoing treatment may be admissible.

The immigration will ask you to provide information about your disorder, its effects, and treatment. You may also need to ask your health care professional or doctor to write a letter that says your condition is manageable and doesn’t pose risks to others.

5. Mental Disorders

Mental disorders, such as psychosis and personality disorders, can make you ineligible for a visa. But there are some exceptions. For example, you may still be allowed to enter Canada if you are seeking treatment for your condition. Like other conditions, you also need to prove that your disorder is under control and that you pose no risk to others.

The immigration will ask you questions about your mental health, such as whether you’ve been hospitalized for your condition. Most importantly, they need to know if you can support yourself financially during your stay.

6. Other Health Conditions

Other serious health conditions may make you ineligible for a visa, such as:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Active cancer
  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism

Note that these conditions may deny you a Canadian visa because they require extensive medical treatment, resulting in excessive demand for Canada’s health care system. If you have any of these conditions, make sure to get a letter from your physician that outlines your treatment plan. 

Moreover, you need to prove that you can financially support yourself and whatever treatment plan is necessary while staying in Canada. You should also shoulder the cost of medical exam for Canadian immigration, along with the required lab tests. 

Final Thoughts

Applying for a visa to Canada can be a long and complicated process, but it’s essential to make sure you complete all the necessary steps. This includes getting a medical exam and providing all the required documentation.

If you suffer from any health conditions that may pose risks to others or yourself, you may still qualify for a visa if you can prove that it is under control and have the financial resources to cover your treatment while in Canada. You can consult an immigration lawyer or panel physician to get more information about your specific case.

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